
Lazarus 1.4.4 (x86/x64)

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Lazarus 1.4.4 (x86/x64)

Lazarus 1.4.4 (x86/x64) | 107/108 Mb

The Lazarus IDE is a stable and feature rich visual programming environment for the FreePascal Compiler. It supports the creation of self-standing graphical and console applications and runs on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX and Windows.

Lazarus is the class libraries for Free Pascal that emulate Delphi. Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K and more. Free Pascal is designed to be able to understand and compile Delphi syntax, which is of course OOP.

Lazarus is the part of the missing puzzle that will allow you to develop Delphi like programs in all of the above platforms. Unlike Java which strives to be a write once run anywhere, Lazarus and Free Pascal strives for write once compile anywhere. Since the exact same compiler is available on all of the above platforms it means you don't need to do any recoding to produce identical products for different platforms.

Lazarus provides developers with a feature-rich development environment for Delphi, enabling them to create fully functional, cross-platform applications designed for both personal and commercial use.

With a history of more than 15 years, the Lazarus project includes a comprehensive IDE for Free Pascal that comes with debugging and compiling capabilities, along with additional components, frameworks and packages required in the development process.

An intuitive IDE

Thanks to the tab-based interface and the accessible toolbars, the IDE is very easy to work with. It comes with a detachable source code editor that allows syntax highlighting, line numbering, comment insertion, code completion and syntax checking, which are common features for any application of its kind.

You can use it to manage your project, import Delphi code and files to Lazarus, manage project requirements or use the included collection of templates to help you get started.

Integrated graphical form designer

Lazarus also comes with a graphical form designer, ready to assist developers in creating user interfaces with a more complex layout and multiple components. Its rich and diverse object library includes various components, such as drop-down lists, buttons, menus, text input fields, check boxes, shapes, scroll boxes, progress bars, navigation buttons, tool bars, tab-based menus, image lists, dialogs, data control tools, charts and the list does not end here. It can also integrate Pascal scripts, database management tools and specific LazControls.

The 'Object Inspector' helps you configure the properties of each item, set the response to user actions, manage anchors and set restrictions for specific widget sets. The application also comes with an integrated debugger that can help you quickly identify errors within your code, as well as a compiler that enables you to easily deploy the project.

An application suitable for any Delphi programmer

Lazarus is an open-source package that developers can use to build Delphi applications of all kinds. Thanks to the intuitive IDE and the wide range of components and functions, it can be considered a real asset to those who like working with Delphi.

New in version 1.4.4 (October 22, 2015)

- TDateEdit: refactor GetDate/SetDate; reduce the need for parsing Text for GetDate; force valid text in control when DirectInput = False
- ToDo List: Fix column widths, was wrong in OSX. Issue #27866.
- LazFileUtils: FileIsReadable on Windows should only return True if the file actually exists.
- Examples: fix memoryleak in ResExplorer
- Examples: ResExplorer: clear contents of the pagecontrol if ther is nothing to be shown or when opening another file.
- LCL: Fix wrong ListBox painting in WinXP. Issue #28275.
- LCL-Win32: Take care of standard style painting when reducing flicker in TListbox. Issue #28146.
- IDE: Include compatibility information for compatibility with W8/W81/W10. Issue #0028435.
- TAChart: Fix missing minor ticks #28466 Issue #issue #28466.
- LCL: in TMaskEdit.RestoreMask only clear the control if it is actually masked. Issue #0028477.
- IDE: In "Needs building" dialog prevent a crash when text was typed in Combobox. Layout improvements. Issue #28456.
- TShellTreeView: publish properties StateImages, OnGetImageIndex and OnGetSelectedIndex. Patch by wp. Issue #0028539
- Translations: Hungarian translation updates by Peter Gabor
- IdeIntf: Use ShortCompareText in both compare functions for Clasnames. Issue #28546.
- LCL: Prevent "Abstract method called" also with FPC 3.0.0. Issue #27754.
- LazUtils: Implement abstract methods for classes TXMLObjectWriter / TXMLObjectReader. Issue #27817, patch from Vojtech Cihak.
- LazUtils: Prevent "Abstract method called" for TXMLObjectWriter / TXMLObjectReader also with FPC 3.0.0. Issue #27817.
- OI: Update text value also when the control is changed but property remains the same. Issue #23918.
- LCL: Make TUpDown.ArrowKeys work. Issue #28537
- Qt: fixed font assignment when parentFont=false and font is default one. Issue #28437.
- Qt: fixed IndexOfTabAt() when bidiMode of TPageControl is RTL. Issue #28591.
- TShellTreeView: fix populating the tree when FileSortType at designtime is not fstNone. Issue #0028565.
- IDEIntf: fixed DBGrid column deletion prompt, Issue #28611
- LCL: Publish TEditButton.ParentShowHint (Issue #0028492).
- TAChart: Publish OnResize event.
- LazReport: lrCodeReport RunReport procedure now takes an argument for optionally showing the report after run
- LazReport, lrCodeReport: add missing layout text property, from Frans van Leeuwen. Issue #28609.
- LazReport, lrCodeReport: sample for testing text layout.
- TFloatSpinEdit: don't "eat" Copy/Cut/Paste keyboard shortcuts (Issue #0028626).
- Qt: avoid Qt assertions when setting minimum width of statusbar panels.
- Qt: fixed clientrect sync between lcl and qt for TCustomControls. Issue #28596
- LCL: do not call DoCallKeyEventHandler() inside TWinControl.KeyDown() if Key = 0, since it might be that our control is destroyed inside OnKeyDown event. Fixes regression of Issue #28537
- LCL, fix crash on inserting record in multiselect dbgrid, from Luiz Americo. Issue #28688.
- LCL: TFileNameEdit - use TOpenPictureDialog if kind of dialog is dkPicture.
- SynEdit, Highlighter: more html5 tags. Issue 28547 patch by Janusz
- SynEdit, Highlighter: more css3 tags. Issue 28548 patch by Janusz
- SynEdit: invalidate if Markup.enable changes. Issue 0028729
- SynEdit: fix drag and drop selection-text, drop (move) after multi-byte chars. Issue 0028724
- IDE: Fix 2 stage key-combos issue 0027992
- LCL, grids: fix range check error on pasting empty cells, fix by wp, Issue #28747.
- LCL, grids: make ClearSelections public, from wp, Issue #27437
- tools: updatemakefiles: using only lazutils instead of lclbase
- tools: updatemakefiles: fixed calling it from inside tools
- IDE+lazbuild+makefiles: on darwin use -gw instead of -g

OS: Windows All


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