
How to turn off notifications through Messages/Email?

in Profile

For All Users

- On a comment, you will receive notifications automatically for responses on your comment. (through SoftArchive Messages and Email)

- On any comment, you will receive notification when you are pinged (@name). (through SoftArchive Messages)

- You will receive an email notification when you receive a new message from another user on SoftArchive.

To turn off the notifications, you need to go to Settings > General. Check the "Disable email notifications" checkbox. Don't forget to click "SAVE" button to save your setting.

For Uploaders only

On a post, you will receive notification when:

- someone comments on a post. (through SoftArchive Messages and email)

- a post is edited. (through SoftArchive Messages)

- a post is deleted. (through SoftArchive Messages)